Tuesday, June 23, 2015

golden thread

a glittering
golden thread
ran sideways
through my head

what I'd guessed
now I know
it left a purple

Sunday, April 12, 2015


may God forbid
I fall into
the trap of think-
ing every word
I write or say
is somehow art
and worthy to
be set in verse.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Poetry Explained

recognizing poetry
as a subjective
thus ineffective
mode of communication,

the logical mind
rationalizes it's existence
as a sort of
error message:

a literary manifestation
of a glitch in the
operating system of
the human brain.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


this is a barren presence
like the surface of Mars
but without the interest
that fosters exploration

rovers do not wander
this featureless expanse
to transmit grainy photos
of the landscape

indeed, this object
is not directly observed—

it's existence implied
by barely perceptible
wobbles in the orbits
of surrounding bodies

Sunday, April 5, 2015

I've made an effort

I've made an effort
to render my poetry
less accessible—
I've revised my revisions
and removed the imagery.