Saturday, June 8, 2013


I think the devil's nervous,
she knows we're going to try
to put the past behind us
and let bygones be gone by.

She knows that if we're stronger
you won't need her anymore,
and she'll fight hard to keep you
at her side forevermore.

But if you face that demon
and you put her in her place,
that part of you she lives in
will become an empty space.

Let's fill that space together,
we'll build something new,
and send that devil back to hell:
far away from me and you.

June 5, 2013

Friday, June 7, 2013

Personality Test

Choose the a.
or choose the b?
Either could be
right for me.

Choose the b.
or choose the a?
Which is better?
I can't say.

But if this test
is what you need
I'll do my best
with all due speed.

You're the shepherd;
I'm the sheep:
struggling to escape
Bo Peep.

June 7, 2013

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Gift

God said, "My son, you have a gift."
I said, "What kind if gift is this
"to show up in my life right now
"when I feel so deprived of bliss?"

"I've prayed for so much lately, Lord,
"but this? It almost seems insane!
"And what if every word I write
"is filled with heartbreak, loss, and pain?"

He said, "Take joy in all you write
"and know those words all come from me.
"I put those words in you before
"the first day of eternity."

"Have faith in me, take up your pen.
"There's purpose in the things you say,
"but use it for my glory, son
"or what I gave, I'll take away."

June 5, 2013

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Sorry but my sense of self
doesn't ever seem to falter.
Welcome to The Church of Me 
leave your offering on the altar.

June 4, 2013

The Properties of Odd

The counselor said, "You're kind of odd,"
and maybe that's a bad thing.
I guess we'll know the answer once
I'm finished with the testing.

But even as I fill the blanks
I face the possibility
that once we have me figured out
I'll cease to interest even me.

June 4, 2013