Saturday, June 15, 2013

Sent and Received

I did not set out
to cause a commotion.
I wrote down those words
to express my emotions.
No insult was meant,
none should be perceived.
There, message sent.
Was it received?

June 14, 2013

Friday, June 14, 2013

Social Media

Maybe I've never said this right,
though many times I've tried;

You've a thousand souls at your fingertip
but you forget the one by your side.

I know by nature you're social
and, with effort, we can share.

You don't have to ignore your friends
just remember that I’m here.

Have a Nice Day

So you won't read
my thoughts anymore?
I'm surprised you did,
you tend to ignore
the way I feel
and the things I say.
Don't let me keep you.
Have a nice day.
June 14, 2013

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Neurotic Insomnia

Tonight, for once, I lay down
with no worries to suppress.
But now, it seems, I miss the
aggravation and the stress.

I can't sleep to save my life,
I just turn and toss.
Could having peace of mind
really be some sort of loss?

Maybe fear, uncertainty,
and even desperate prayer
provided me with comfort
like a care-worn teddy bear.

Perhaps I'm over-thinking this
and I should count some sheep,
or take half of an Ambien
and get myself some sleep!

June 13, 2013 at 12:37 am

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The One Rule

Imagine love as a chess match.
I know they're not the same,
but humor me for a moment
as I talk about the game.

Pretend our match is played
between two pieces that we choose,
it's all about the gamesmanship,
we cannot win or lose.

We'll choose our favorite pieces
and we'll place them on the board.
Remember, winning's not the point;
The play is the reward.

I'll move your way and you'll move mine,
the fun is in the dance.
Your limits are your piece's moves
and strategy and chance.

There's only one exception, though,
one piece you cannot be,
because its moves are limitless
and that's not fair to me.

The one rule you must follow,
the thing you must not do,
is choose to be the queen because
I will not play with you.

June 12, 2013

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I live beneath a volcano.
Today everything is calm.
Tomorrow the mountain could erupt;
That's life, when you live with a time bomb.
I'm acutely aware it's a bad situation.
I don't know what I'm trying to prove,
That I have the courage to stay here regardless
Or that I'm just too stupid to move.

June 11, 2013

Monday, June 10, 2013

No. 53

I fear that time
begins to steal
the righteous anger
that I feel.
Acceptance is
a bitter pill;
At least the way
I felt was real.

June 10, 2013