Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Gift

God said, "My son, you have a gift."
I said, "What kind if gift is this
"to show up in my life right now
"when I feel so deprived of bliss?"

"I've prayed for so much lately, Lord,
"but this? It almost seems insane!
"And what if every word I write
"is filled with heartbreak, loss, and pain?"

He said, "Take joy in all you write
"and know those words all come from me.
"I put those words in you before
"the first day of eternity."

"Have faith in me, take up your pen.
"There's purpose in the things you say,
"but use it for my glory, son
"or what I gave, I'll take away."

June 5, 2013

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