Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The One Rule

Imagine love as a chess match.
I know they're not the same,
but humor me for a moment
as I talk about the game.

Pretend our match is played
between two pieces that we choose,
it's all about the gamesmanship,
we cannot win or lose.

We'll choose our favorite pieces
and we'll place them on the board.
Remember, winning's not the point;
The play is the reward.

I'll move your way and you'll move mine,
the fun is in the dance.
Your limits are your piece's moves
and strategy and chance.

There's only one exception, though,
one piece you cannot be,
because its moves are limitless
and that's not fair to me.

The one rule you must follow,
the thing you must not do,
is choose to be the queen because
I will not play with you.

June 12, 2013


  1. Wait a minute. Jeremy and Natalia call me the Evil thst the same? They usually have the upper hand and outplay me. Nicely done. I like this one a lot.
